Eldri samningur endurnýjaður                    NORDNET logo

Norræn aðildarfélög innan IPMA undirrituðu nýjan samstarfsamning í Kaupmannahöfn 28. mars sl.

Í samningnum er m.a. fjallað um stefnu og tilgang, framtíðarsýn og gildi.

Verkefni samtakanna endurspeglast einkum í eftirfarandi:

 1. Exchange of experiences

Exchange of experiences, both on themes and methods used by the members of the national associations, as well as yearly schedules.

 2. Agreements on exchange

Exchange of periodicals / membership journals, workshop invitations, participation free of charge at annual meetings, etc.

 3. NORDNET Symposium

 Co-operation concerning NORDNET symposium, which may be held by each of the participating countries.

4. Certification programmes

Exchange of experiences and co-operation on certification of Project Managers.

5. Research and training

Implementation of workshops for researchers and project management instructors typically in connection with the NORDNET symposia.

6. International co-operation

Co-ordination of co-operation with other international associations including IPMA, ICEC etc. shall be emphasised.

7.  Common initatives

In order to support continuous progression and innovation towards achieving project leadership, NORDNET may agree on common initatitves, in the form of tasks, projects or programs.  These initatives need to be clearly specified, discussed and agreed upon by the NORDNET board.

 Á myndinni eru, talið frá vinstri:

Per-Olof Sandberg, Svíþjóð. Tom Haugstad, Noregi. Vesa Ilama, Finnlandi. Erik Månsson, Svíþjóð. Lasse Made, Danmörk og Þór Hauksson, Íslandi.

 NORDNET mars 2019